The rugby scene in the Druze city of Maghar has experienced a remarkable revival in recent years. A youth team has been established, a senior team is expected to join the league next season, and tag rugby, now introduced in schools, led to the first-ever tournament with dozens of children and teenagers participating. Israeli national team player Amir Fawarsy explains, “Rugby is a perfect fit for the personality and values of the Druze community.” The credit, however, belongs to the club’s founder, Yosef Tarboush, whose relentless perseverance and unwavering belief in the sport have kept rugby alive in Maghar for nearly 30 years.

Next year, the “Ashbal” rugby club in Maghar will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Ask anyone in the city who deserves the credit, and they’ll point to Yosef Tarboush—the founder and coach who “imported” rugby to the village when the idea of a non-round ball was still baffling to many.
Despite numerous challenges, Tarboush kept rugby alive through sheer determination. “Even if only one player showed up for practice, he would be there to coach,” recalls Amir Fawarsy, 28, an Israeli national player and one of Tarboush’s former trainees. “There were years when the activity almost stopped, but Yosef never gave up. He came, coached, and rebuilt everything. His belief in the sport and in us is why we’re playing this beautiful game today.”

“There were years when the activity almost stopped, but Yosef never gave up. He came, coached, and rebuilt everything. His belief in the sport and in us is why we’re playing this beautiful game today.”
These days, the club is flourishing. From nearly no players during the COVID-19 pandemic, it now boasts nearly 40 children playing tag rugby, a youth team for players under 14, and plans for a senior team to join the league next season. “Rugby fits perfectly with the personality and values of the Druze community,” Amir explains. “The game is built on mutual respect—it requires aggression at times and calmness at others. For us, the soul is more important than the body. The body is just a vessel, which is why we’re willing to push it to the limit, physically and mentally.”

Amir’s journey with rugby began at the age of eight. Back then, the only sports options in the village were soccer and basketball, neither of which resonated with him. A cousin suggested he join a rugby club, and from that moment, Amir was hooked. “It was perfect for me. I was a hyperactive kid, and rugby allowed me to channel all that energy. The moment I discovered the sport, I knew it was what I wanted to do,” he says.
Amir improved year by year. At 13, representatives from the Rugby Union came to Maghar, selecting players for an under-14 training camp. “They filtered and filtered, and eventually, I was the only one chosen for the national team training,” Amir recalls. After his military service, his cousin joined him, and another member of the Druze community joined as well. Before he knew it, Amir was competing in the under-19 European Sevens Championship in Lisbon. “It was an incredible experience. From there, I pursued my bachelor’s degree at Wingate, and for the past 12 years, I’ve been part of the national team. Representing the country is an honor and a joy,” he says.

Now, Amir is focusing on developing rugby in Maghar. As part of the Rugby Union’s initiative to introduce the sport to children and teenagers in schools, nearly 40 children have signed up for tag rugby. “The response has been amazing. Tag rugby exposes kids to the sport, and there’s so much potential here. The youth are loving it, and I’ve managed to form three teams from two schools. We recently had a successful first tournament. Now, experienced players want to come back and prove they’re still better than the newcomers,” Amir shares.
Parents are also encouraging their children to participate, especially since tag rugby doesn’t involve contact and has no risk of injury. “In the past, the village only had soccer or basketball,” Amir explains. “Today, there are many sports options. As a physical education teacher, I encourage my students to participate in sports, regardless of what they choose. Every activity is valuable. Of course, I’d be thrilled if they chose rugby, but I believe in healthy competition,” Amir smiles. Looking ahead, Amir dreams of turning Maghar into a northern rugby powerhouse. “I aim to grow rugby here, build a big club, and make it the strongest in the north,” he says with determination.

“Today, there are many sports options. As a physical education teacher, I encourage my students to participate in sports, regardless of what they choose. Every activity is valuable. Of course, I’d be thrilled if they chose rugby, but I believe in healthy competition”